Topic B Disucssion!

Hey delegates! I was reading a little bit more about the topic of "The Decline and Neglect of Adolescent Mental Health" and stumbled upon this article I think you would find interesting. Feel free to give it a quick read, or I’ll also summarize its main points below.

I found this article interesting because it gives a deeper understanding of topics discussed in understanding what mental health is and insight into some of the more recent UN actions. I thought it brought up an interesting point about just how big of an impact Covid-19 had on mental health for so many young people.

This article touches on many relevant points, but I think the most important things to acknowledge are how Covid-19 really changed the landscape when it came to mental health in youth and also how treating mental health, for many, goes further than just acknowledging that the issue is prevalent. In fact, the study mentioned in this article finds that "antidepressant use among young adults and teens rose nearly 64% from 2020 onward." Personally, this got me thinking about not just what the solvency is to an existing problem, but what can be done to be proactive about mental health before situations exacberate. Understanding the problem and also the potential solutions are crucial to make global impacts and tear down barriers of access.

I hope you found this article as interesting as I did! I would love to read anything you have found in the research process, so feel free to recommend any good reads in the comments or offer your opinion on this one!

Rhea Master


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