Introduction -- Vice Chair: Nicola McDermott Catena

Hello Delegates! 

My name is Nicola McDermott Catena, I use the she series, and I'm so excited to be one of your WHO vice chairs this BMUN 72. I am a Freshman majoring in Political Science with a concentration in International Relations and an intended minor in Human Rights. As a member of BMUN I have been able to stimulate my passion for international topics by learning about The Decline and Neglect of Adolescent Mental Health and International Blood Availability as a member of the WHO dais; but also about current events not in my committee like the Venezuelan Economic Crises, or Democratization of the Middle East in simulations. 

As a student in Political Science at Berkeley with a concentration in International Relations, I am particularly interested in democratic backsliding, autocracies in the Middle East and South America, and human rights violations across the globe. Outside of BMUN, I am involved in Delta Phi Epsilon, Berkeley's International Relations Professional Fraternity, and Intramural Athletics. I like to knit, go to Strada with friends, oil paint, and play piano in my free time. 

As someone who did Model Un throughout middle school and high school I am ecstatic to have the opportunity to be your vice chair, and I look forward to meeting you all!

Kind Regards, 



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