Introduction (Madelyn Diaz Vice Chair)

 Hello and welcome delegates! 

My name is Madelyn Diaz and I am so happy to be your vice chair of WHO this year. 

Here's a little bit about me: I'm a current Junior majoring in Legal Studies and minoring in Public Policy. Other activities I'm involved in include being part of a Latina-based sorority at UC Berkeley, and the Latinx Student Business Association at Berkeley (LBSA)! Even though I am well into my third year with BMUN, I'm very proud to have maintained a personal connection to this conference through being a BMUN delegate myself a few (?) years ago! 

As a policy wonk myself, I have dedicated my professional and academic interest to domestic healthcare policy for quite some time. Before this spring semester, I worked for the US Senate on US Healthcare issues on behalf of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI), and have returned to Berkeley to pursue this interdisciplinary issue in my academics as a Research Assistant for the UC Berkeley School of Public Health, specifically working on researching Race as a social determinant of health-- a subtopic which I hope each you consider as you write your position papers! If you are extra interested in this issue(s) or any discussed in the committee topic synopsis, I would be happy to discuss this with you before and during the conference! It will be very exciting to see what you all bring to the table when it comes to solving our biggest policy issues on an international stage

I'm very excited to see you all bring your ideas and stances to the table at the conference this year. Please do not hesitate to contact our committee at



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