
Showing posts from March, 2024

Updates on Topic A

There are many steps that the World Health Organization has taken on in light of the pandemic and a lack of quality-assurance in international blood availability . One big step is the establishment of the Advisory Group on Blood Organization, Availability, and Stability in 2020, whose objective is to scale up the implementation of WHO policies and strategies in order to increase universal access to quality-assured blood.  In response to calls for action, as of 2020, the WHO has provided 6 specific guidelines for blood products from 2020-2024. These target countries with weak blood systems, with the objective to create systems for blood services that are; appropriately structured, regulated, efficiently managed, effectively surveilled, and partner oriented. At World blood donor day in June of 2023, the Pan American Health Organization highlights the need to increase plasma donations through blood extraction so that lower and middle income countries especially have adequate blood sup...